
Create a custom "Worksheet Find" toolbar

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This article shows how to build a custom toolbar that replicates basic Find/Find Next functionality. 


Offers a convenient solution for users to do a simple Find/Find next on a worksheet from a toolbar rather than bringing up the native dialog. 


instructions for use


'################## 'standard module code Dim firstAddress As String, lastaddress As String Dim ctrlStatus As CommandBarButton Dim ctrlFN As CommandBarButton Dim ctrlText As CommandBarControl Dim iFindWhole As Integer Sub BuildToolBar() 'call from WorkBook_Open Dim TBar As CommandBar Dim btnNew As CommandBarControl 'delete any existing instances of the toolbar DeleteToolbar ' Add a new toolbar Set TBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:="Worksheet Find") TBar.Visible = True ' Add text control Set btnNew = TBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlEdit) With btnNew .Caption = "Find..." .TooltipText = "Enter search string..." .Style = msoComboLabel .OnAction = "FindText" End With Set ctrlText = btnNew ' add a find next button Set btnNew = TBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With btnNew .Caption = "Find &next" .TooltipText = "Find next" .Style = msoButtonCaption .OnAction = "FindNext" .Enabled = False End With Set ctrlFN = btnNew ' add whole/part Set btnNew = TBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With btnNew '.BeginGroup = True .Caption = "Match" .TooltipText = "Match entire cell contents" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .OnAction = "ToggleFindWhole" iFindWhole = 1 .FaceId = 1907 End With ' add a status button Set btnNew = TBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With btnNew .Caption = "" .TooltipText = "Result..." .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .Width = 240 End With Set ctrlStatus = btnNew 'force the toolbar to 2 rows and lock With TBar .Height = btnNew.Height * 3 .Protection = msoBarNoResize End With Set btnNew = Nothing Set TBar = Nothing End Sub Sub DeleteToolbar() 'call from Workbook_BeforeClose Dim cb As CommandBar For Each cb In CommandBars If cb.Name = "Worksheet Find" Then cb.Delete End If Next cb End Sub Sub FindText() 'excecute the first find Dim c As Range Set c = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:=ctrlText.Text, _ LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=iFindWhole) If Not c Is Nothing Then 'activate the found cell, capture address, 'enable find next button, update status c.Activate ctrlFN.Enabled = True firstAddress = c.Address lastaddress = c.Address ctrlStatus.Caption = """" & ctrlText.Text & """" & " found at " & lastaddress ctrlStatus.FaceId = 1087 Else 'disable Find next, clear addresses, update status ctrlFN.Enabled = False firstAddress = "" lastaddress = "" ctrlStatus.Caption = """" & ctrlText.Text & """" & " not found" ctrlStatus.FaceId = 1088 End If Set c = Nothing End Sub Sub FindNext() Dim c As Range Set c = ActiveSheet.Cells.FindNext(ActiveSheet.Range(lastaddress)) If c.Address <> firstAddress Then 'activate the found cell, update address and status c.Activate lastaddress = c.Address ctrlStatus.Caption = """" & ctrlText.Text & """" & " found at " & lastaddress ctrlStatus.FaceId = 1087 Else 'disable Find next, clear addresses, update status c.Activate ctrlFN.Enabled = False firstAddress = "" lastaddress = "" ctrlStatus.Caption = """" & ctrlText.Text & """" & " - no more instances found" ctrlText.Text = "" ctrlStatus.FaceId = 1088 End If Set c = Nothing End Sub Sub ToggleFindWhole() If iFindWhole = 1 Then iFindWhole = 2 CommandBars.ActionControl.FaceId = 0 Else iFindWhole = 1 CommandBars.ActionControl.FaceId = 990 End If End Sub 'standard module code - END '################## '################## 'Workbook events Private Sub Workbook_Open() BuildToolBar End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) DeleteToolbar End Sub 'Workbook events - END '##################

How to use:

  1. Open the VBE in a blank workbook
  2. Insert a new standard module (Insert>Module) and paste in the code up to "'standard module code - END"
  3. Go to the WorkBook code module (Double click the "ThisWorkbook" item in the Project Explorer
  4. Paste in the code for the workbook events
  5. Save and close the workbook

Test the code:

  1. On opening the workbook the toolbar should be visible.
  2. The user can toggle "Match entire cell contents" the the "Match" button
  3. Enter a search sting in the toolbar's text control and press Enter to search.
  4. The result of the search should be displayed as the "Result" control's caption.
  5. If the search string is found, the "Find next" button is enabled - click this to find the next instance.

Sample File:

WorksheetFindToolbar.zip 12.53KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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