
Using workbook events to control the visibility of defined toolbars/menus

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2002, 2003 

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This example uses the workbook Activate event to force the display of the workbook's custom toolbar (hiding the other Excel toolbars) and the Deatcivate event to restore the user's original toolbar layout. 


When distrubuting custom workbooks/automation that have specific functionality, it is often helpful for the user if unessecary toolbars are hidden and just the custom toolbar is left showing. It is obviously vital that when the distributed workbook is closed or made inactive, the user's original toolbar layout is restored. This example saves the user's visible toolbar names on a hidden worksheet and then hides them when the workbook is activated. When it's deactivated, the values on the hidden sheet are used to retore the original toolbar states. 


instructions for use


'######################################### 'code for standard module Option Explicit Sub BuildToolBar() 'call from WorkBook_Open Dim Tbar As CommandBar Dim btnNew As CommandBarControl Dim i As Long 'delete any existing instances of the toolbar DeleteToolbar 'Add a new toolbar Set Tbar = CommandBars.Add(Name:="My XL App Toolbar") Tbar.Visible = True 'add some control buttons For i = 1 To 8 Set btnNew = Tbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With btnNew .Caption = "Button " & i .Style = msoButtonIconAndWrapCaptionBelow .OnAction = "DefaultAction" .FaceId = 480 + i .Width = 60 End With Next i Tbar.Position = msoBarTop Tbar.Left = 0 Tbar.Protection = msoBarNoMove Set btnNew = Nothing Set Tbar = Nothing End Sub Sub DeleteToolbar() 'call from Workbook_BeforeClose Dim cb As CommandBar For Each cb In CommandBars If cb.Name = "My XL App Toolbar" Then cb.Delete End If Next cb End Sub Sub DefaultAction() MsgBox CommandBars.ActionControl.Caption & " was pressed." End Sub 'code for standard module - END '######################################### '######################################### 'code for ThisWorkbook module Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() BuildToolBar End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) DeleteToolbar End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Activate() Dim Tbar As CommandBar Dim count As Integer Dim wsMenu As Worksheet 'initialise storage sheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set wsMenu = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menu") wsMenu.Cells.Clear 'Store current visible toolbars count = 0 For Each Tbar In Application.CommandBars If Tbar.Type = msoBarTypeNormal Then If Tbar.Visible Then count = count + 1 Tbar.Visible = False wsMenu.Cells(count, 1) = Tbar.Name End If End If Next Tbar Application.CommandBars("My XL App Toolbar").Visible = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True Set wsMenu = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() Dim c As Range Dim wsMenu As Worksheet 'initialise storage sheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set wsMenu = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menu") 'show the previously displayed the toolbars On Error Resume Next For Each c In wsMenu.Range("A:A") _ .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) Application.CommandBars(c.Value).Visible = True Next c Application.CommandBars("My XL App Toolbar").Visible = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True Set wsMenu = Nothing End Sub 'code for ThisWorkbook module - END '#########################################

How to use:

  1. Open the VBE in a new workbook
  2. Add a standard module (Insert>Module) and paste in the code (up to "code for standard module - END")
  3. Go to the WorkBook code module (Double click the "ThisWorkbook" item in the Project Explorer
  4. Paste in the code for the workbook events
  5. Rename a sheet in the workbook "Menu"
  6. In the Project Explorer, select the renamed sheet (e.g "Sheet1 (Menu)") and set its "Visible" property to 0 (xlSheetHidden)
  7. Save and close the workbook

Test the code:

  1. When th project workbook is active, the user should only have the default menu (Worksheet Menu Bar) and the custom toolbar, docked at the top and locked.
  2. When switching to other workbooks, the custom tolbar should be hidden and the users original toolbars restored.

Sample File:

CustomAppToolBar.zip 13.67KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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