
Alphabetized Table of Contents with Toolbar Buttons

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This code inserted into a project or workbook would allow the ongoing creation of a custom toolbar which acts as a table of contents for the workbook it is created from. Since it is workbook specific, the code provided allows for deletion of the toolbar when the workbook is closed or deactivated. Once the code is inserted into a workbook, it is self sustaining within that workbook. 


Sometimes there are workbooks with so many sheets and/or charts, or the names are too long, that navigating to those sheets using the tabs is cumbersome or inconvenient. This toolbar "on the fly" allows for quick toggling between the list of sheets by having a button for each sheet or chart on separate toolbar menus. Application of this code is fairly easy, however, since it is designed to be contained in only one workbook at a time. This code can appear and work in multiple files open at the same time, but it is imperative that the Workbook level code be applied to ensure that the toolbar created is only for the active workbook. 


instructions for use


'THIS CODE GOES IN STANDARD MODULE Option Explicit Sub CreateSheetList() Dim wb As Workbook, cBar As CommandBar, cBarItem As CommandBarButton, cBarButton As CommandBarPopup Dim sheetnames() As String, i, SheetCount As Integer, chartnames() As String, chartcount As Integer Toggle 'sub routine to toggle events and screenupdating (see below) Call DeleteSheetList 'delete the list before creating it Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 'will run in the currently active workbook... With wb 'perform the following actions in the defined wb object SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count 'sets the count of worksheets Set cBar = Application.CommandBars.Add("Sheet List", Position:=msoBarTop, _ Temporary:=True) 'adds the toolbar Set cBar = Application.CommandBars("Sheet List") 'set a reference to the new command bar With cBar 'perform below on the new cBar Set cBarButton = cBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) cBarButton.Caption = "GoTo Sheet" 'add a drop down label on the toolbar 'fill an array with sheet names ReDim sheetnames(1 To SheetCount) 're dimensions the string array to the number of sheets For i = 1 To UBound(sheetnames) 'for each sheet in worksheets sheetnames(i) = Sheets(i).Name 'adds each sheet name to the array Next i Call BubbleSort(sheetnames) ' call the sort names subroutine For i = 1 To SheetCount 'for each item in the sheetnames sorted array If Sheets(sheetnames(i)).Visible = True Then ' skips hidden sheets Set cBarItem = cBarButton.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) 'adds a button With cBarItem .Caption = sheetnames(i) 'labels the button with the sheet name .OnAction = "'SheetCall """ & .Caption & """'" 'assigns macro and sheetname as passed variable .FaceId = 142 'add an excel icon .BeginGroup = True 'add a divider line .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption 'shows icon and sheet name End With End If Next i 'next item in worksheet array (next worksheet) chartcount = wb.Charts.Count 'if any charts Debug.Print chartcount If chartcount > 0 Then 'if there are charts create a chart bar Set cBarButton = cBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) cBarButton.Caption = "GoTo Chart" 'add a drop down label on the toolbar ReDim charttnames(1 To chartcount) 're dimensions the string array to the number of sheets For i = 1 To chartcount 'for each sheet in worksheets sheetnames(i) = Charts(i).Name 'adds each sheet name to the array (reusing sheetnames) Next i If chartcount > 1 Then Call BubbleSort(sheetnames) ' call the sort names subroutine For i = 1 To chartcount 'for each item in the sheetnames sorted array If Charts(sheetnames(i)).Visible = True Then ' skips hidden sheets Set cBarItem = cBarButton.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) 'adds a button With cBarItem .Caption = sheetnames(i) 'labels the button with the sheet name .OnAction = "'ChartCall """ & .Caption & """'" 'assigns macro and sheetname as passed variable .FaceId = 142 'add an excel icon .BeginGroup = True 'add a divider line .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption 'shows icon and sheet name End With End If Next i 'next item in chart array (next worksheet) End If 'end if chartcount >0 check End With 'end the "With Cbar" End With 'end "With Wb" cBar.Visible = True 'show the new toolbar Toggle 'turn on screenupdating and events (see sub below) Set cBar = Nothing: Set cBarItem = Nothing: Set cBarButton = Nothing: Set wb = Nothing End Sub Sub BubbleSort(sheetnames() As String) 'Sorts the List array in ascending order Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, Temp As String First = LBound(sheetnames): Last = UBound(sheetnames) For i = First To Last - 1 For j = i + 1 To Last If UCase(sheetnames(i)) > UCase(sheetnames(j)) Then Temp = sheetnames(j) sheetnames(j) = sheetnames(i) sheetnames(i) = Temp End If Next j Next i End Sub Sub Toggle() 'custom sub to simplify toggling the below functions... With Application .ScreenUpdating = Not .ScreenUpdating .EnableEvents = Not .EnableEvents End With End Sub Sub DeleteSheetList() On Error Resume Next 'delete the toolbar if it creates. If it is not there, keep going.. Application.CommandBars("Sheet List").Delete Application.CommandBars("Chart List").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub SheetCall(ByVal Sh As String) On Error GoTo ErrHandler Sheets(Sh).Activate 'this macro is assigned to each button on the created toolbar, 'each macro is assigned the sheet name as a variable to pass to the routine... Exit Sub ErrHandler: 'If a sheet rename or delete was not captured by the workbook events CreateSheetList End Sub Sub ChartCall(ByVal Ch As String) On Error GoTo ErrHandler Charts(Ch).Activate 'this macro is assigned to each button on the created toolbar, 'each macro is assigned the sheet name as a variable to pass to the routine... Exit Sub ErrHandler: 'If a chart rename or delete was not captured by the workbook events CreateSheetList End Sub ''''''''''''THIS CODE GOES IN WORKBOOK MODULE''''''''''''''' Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Activate() 'recreates the toolbar when the workbook is re-activated.. CreateSheetList End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 'Deletes the toolbar on close so that it is not present in other workbooks DeleteSheetList End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() 'kills the custom toolbar when the workbook is not active, 'buttons won't work in another workbook where the toolbar is not created separately DeleteSheetList End Sub Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object) CreateSheetList End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Optional, if you want this button to always be created on file open.. CreateSheetList End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open Excel, and Open the Visual Basic Editor (Press Alt-F11, or Tools>Macros>Visual Basic Editor)
  2. Right click the VBAProject for your workbook and Insert > Module
  3. Paste the top portion of the code (Designated with "Standard Module") into the code window.
  4. Double Click the "Workbook" module in your project. Paste the Workbook module code provided in the code window.
  5. Save your workbook, and run the code in the standard module "CreateSheetList" by pressing the green play button in the VBE window, or by pressing Alt-F8 in the workbook window.
  6. The toolbar will be created and you will see the title "GoTo Sheets" and/or "GoTo Chart". The sheets in your workbook can be activated by selecting them from this list.

Test the code:

  1. After placing the code in a workbook and saving, open up another workbook so there are two active in windows.
  2. Simply go back and forth between the two files (one with, one without the code) to see the toolbar appear and dissappear.
  3. Or you can insert all of the code as instructed, close and re-open your file.
  4. The attached sample is a working demonstration.
  5. Note: For code simplicity, adding/deleting/renaming a sheet is not captured, however, the changes will be reflected on the toolbar if the workbook is closed and reopened, or deactivated and reactivated.

Sample File:

SheetListToolbar_V2.1.zip 146.69KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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