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Convert Column/Feild Names to Cell References for Populating reports

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As an alternative to using External Data queries, or other methods of populating reports, it is often useful to have a Template.xls report that has your structure, and you just need to populate this template with relevant data from the recordset. This code demonstrates how to use a Query in Access as an example of identifying cell references as column names, and then populating a report using those column names as the data's address. Other data source views and queries, or SQL Statement created recordsets are also applicable provided the column names are cell references. 


You have to generate periodic reports for Salesman, summarizing their data which is housed in an Access database, ODBC Data source like SQL Server, or other ADO capable record source provider. Getting the data is usually the easy part, getting it from the data source into your report is not as simple sometimes. This provides a relatively easy method that can be incorporated into Excel, Access, VB, C#,and FoxPro, and others conceivably. The sample code is written in excel, and the sample files attached have both an Excel method and an Access method for demonstration. 


instructions for use


'''EXCEL CODE'''' '''SET REFERENCE TO Active X DAO Library Option Explicit Public Type RowColumn 'function requires a user defined type row As String col As String End Type Public Function GetRowColumn(strRowColumn) As RowColumn Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngChar As String 'function to get cell references out of column names where the column names ' are equivalent to A1 style cell references (Note:R1C1 references won't work with this) For lngCount = 1 To Len(strRowColumn) lngChar = Asc(Mid(strRowColumn, lngCount, 1)) If lngChar >= Asc("0") And lngChar <= Asc("9") Then Exit For End If Next lngCount 'this extracts the column and row from the Field Name in the recordset. GetRowColumn.col = Left(strRowColumn, lngCount - 1) GetRowColumn.row = Right(strRowColumn, Len(strRowColumn) - lngCount + 1) End Function Sub GenerateAllReports() 'called from button click on Sheet1 'simply a sample. The procedure to pass a variable through the Generate report can 'be called from a form, and excel file, and access file with minor changes, or another 'program 'dimension variables Dim rngNames As Range, c As Range Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error GoTo EarlyOut With ActiveSheet Set rngNames = .Range("A2:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row) For Each c In rngNames GenerateReport c Next c End With Set rngNames = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True MsgBox "Reports Completed!" Exit Sub EarlyOut: MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Set rngNames = Nothing End Sub Public Sub GenerateReport(ByVal strCriteria As String) 'Dimension Variables NOTE: the criteria for this is passed in as a string, ' and can be passed any number of ways. Dim objExcelApp As Excel.Application Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim objCN As ADODB.Connection Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset Dim objField As ADODB.Field Dim strSQL As String Dim udtRowColumn As RowColumn Dim strPath As String Dim strConn As String Dim strFileName As String strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path 'sets the path of the file for use later Set objExcelApp = New Excel.Application 'sets object as new instance of excel Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strPath & "\ReportTemplate\" & "Template.xls") 'above opens the file in the new instance Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'sets the destination sheet Set objCN = New ADODB.Connection 'sets a new connection in memory 'string connection here strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strPath & "\" & "GetColumnRow.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" objCN.ConnectionString = strConn 'set the connection objCN.Open 'open the connection 'remember to use the "column Name" to identify criteria field... strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ReportQuery WHERE [A2] =" & Chr(34) & strCriteria & Chr(34) 'remember to format the criteria string properly to match the record source format.. 'SQL statement. if already in Access it could be DoCmd.RunSQL Set objRS = New ADODB.Recordset objRS.Open strSQL, objCN, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText On Error GoTo ErrHandler For Each objField In objRS.Fields 'for each column in result set If IsNumeric(Right(objField.Name, 1)) Then udtRowColumn = GetRowColumn(objField.Name) objWorksheet.Cells(udtRowColumn.row, udtRowColumn.col) = objField.Value End If 'gets the cell reference from the column/feild name of the result set Next objField 'next field objRS.Close 'close recordset Set objRS = Nothing 'clear the recordset from memory objCN.Close 'cease the connection Set objCN = Nothing 'clear the object 'save the report to a specified path with date formatted string strFileName = strPath & "\Reports\" & strCriteria & "_" & Format(Now(), "mmddyy") & ".xls" objWorkbook.SaveAs strFileName objWorkbook.Close 'clear the excel variable objects Set objWorksheet = Nothing Set objWorkbook = Nothing Set objExcelApp = Nothing Set objCN = Nothing Set objRS = Nothing Set objField = Nothing Exit Sub ErrHandler: 'to clear the hidden objWorkbook from memory...and resume objWorkbook.Close Set objWorksheet = Nothing Set objWorkbook = Nothing Set objExcelApp = Nothing Resume Next End Sub ''''MICROSOFT ACCESS CODE''' ''SET REFERENCE TO MICROSOFT EXCEL OBJECT LIBRARY Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Type RowColumn 'function requires a user defined type row As String col As String End Type Public Function GetRowColumn(strRowColumn) As RowColumn Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngChar As String 'function to get cell references out of column names where the column names ' are equivalent to A1 style cell references (Note:R1C1 references won't work with this) For lngCount = 1 To Len(strRowColumn) lngChar = Asc(Mid(strRowColumn, lngCount, 1)) If lngChar >= Asc("0") And lngChar <= Asc("9") Then Exit For End If Next lngCount 'this extracts the column and row from the Field Name in the recordset. GetRowColumn.col = Left(strRowColumn, lngCount - 1) GetRowColumn.row = Right(strRowColumn, Len(strRowColumn) - lngCount + 1) End Function Public Sub GenerateReport(ByVal strCriteria As String) 'Dimension Variables NOTE: the criteria for this is passed in as a string, ' and can be passed any number of ways. Dim objExcelApp As Excel.Application Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim ObjRS1 As Recordset Dim objField As Field Dim strSQL As String Dim udtRowColumn As RowColumn Dim strPath As String Dim strConn As String Dim strFileName As String strPath = CurrentProject.Path 'sets the path of the file for use later Set objExcelApp = New Excel.Application 'sets object as new instance of excel Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strPath & "\ReportTemplate\" & "Template.xls") 'above opens the file in the new instance Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'sets the destination sheet 'remember to use the "column Name" to identify criteria field... strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ReportQuery WHERE [A2] =" & Chr(34) & strCriteria & Chr(34) 'remember to format the criteria string properly to match the record source format.. 'SQL statement. if already in Access it could be DoCmd.RunSQL Set ObjRS1 = New Recordset ObjRS1.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText On Error GoTo ErrHandler For Each objField In ObjRS1.Fields 'for each column in result set If IsNumeric(Right(objField.Name, 1)) Then udtRowColumn = GetRowColumn(objField.Name) objWorksheet.Cells(udtRowColumn.row, udtRowColumn.col) = objField.Value End If 'gets the cell reference from the column/feild name of the result set Next objField 'next field ObjRS1.Close 'close recordset Set ObjRS1 = Nothing 'clear the recordset from memory 'save the report to a specified path with date formatted string strFileName = strPath & "\Reports\" & strCriteria & "_" & Format(Now(), "mmddyy") & ".xls" objWorkbook.SaveAs strFileName objWorkbook.Close 'clear the excel variable objects Set objWorksheet = Nothing Set objWorkbook = Nothing Set objExcelApp = Nothing Exit Sub ErrHandler: 'if it errors, the ExcelApp remains in the background, but this clears it and resumes the code objWorkbook.Close Set objWorksheet = Nothing Set objWorkbook = Nothing Set objExcelApp = Nothing Err.Clear Resume Next End Sub Sub GenerateAllReports() Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset, strSQL As String strSQL = "Select Employee_Name from Employee Group By Employee_Name" Set objRS = New Recordset objRS.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, 1 Do While Not objRS.EOF GenerateReport objRS![Employee_Name] objRS.MoveNext Loop Set objRS = Nothing MsgBox "Reports Completed!" End Sub

How to use:

  1. 1.Relies on a recordset that can be queried. To use the GetRowColumn method, you must have a recordset that identifies the cell references as column names, and an excel template that can receive the data properly(although a blank excel file would take the values as well)
  2. 2. The Excel code can be placed in a standard Module by selecting the Visual Basic Editor from Tools>Macro>Visual Basic editor or hitting Alt-F11.
  3. 3.Access code also goes in a standard Module. In the database window, select modules > New and paste the Access code.
  4. 4. Specify the proper source data connection string, SQL statement,and applicable table/query names you intend to use.
  5. 5.This is designed for row level data in summary format to be fed into a report in a predefined format where the cell references are assigned properly as column names.
  6. 5. The sample files attached have working examples.

Test the code:

  1. 1.Download the attached folder and extract.
  2. 2. Open the Excel file and press the button. OR Open the Access database and press the button on Form1 to generate the reports inot the template.xls file provided
  3. 3. The source database shows a "NormalQuery" and a "ReportQuery" to show the concept of naming the columns. Both sample codes show how the SQL Statment can be written.
  4. 4.The attached folder is set up as it needs to be, once you run either set of reports, go to the Reports folder to view them (folder is currently empty)

Sample File: 271.73KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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