Multiple Apps

Send mailmerged documents individually via Outlook

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This procedure allows you to use any Access table or query as the data source for a mailmerge. The records are merged individually to an MS Word document, then attached to individual emails. 


The vast majority of databases contain at least one table and/or query that could potentially be used for a mail merge. This form lists all tables and queries in the database, so the user can nominate the data source for the mail merge. All the fields from the selected table or query are then displayed so that the user can nominate the name of the field that contains the email address. This could be either a name that appears in your Global Address list in Outlook, or an external email address such as The user then selects the mailmerge document (that may or may not have merge fields in it) using a standard "open" dialog box. This mailmerge document does not have to be linked to your data source, and doesn't necessarily have to contain any merge fields at all, allowing you to email documents such as generic flyers or brochures. Finally they set email options such as the subject, the importance, read and delivery receipts, and whether to display the email prior to sending. Any email addresses that Outlook could not process will appear in an error message at the end of the process. However if Outlook thinks it might be a valid external email, it will attempt to send it, and you will later receive an "undeliverable" email message. Please note that unless you have a utility such as Redemption, you will also see a security warning message for each email that you send, and you will have to click "Yes" for each to allow the message to be sent. 


instructions for use


Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim mstrNotSent As String Dim mstrEmailInvalid As String Const mcn_strMODULE = "frm_MergeToOutlook" Private Sub cmdMerge_Click() '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Merge data to Word then email via Outlook ' Restrictions: Required information: ' - Name of data source (table or query) ' - Name of field containing email address ' - Name of Word document to merge to ' - Subject line of email '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Const cn_strPROCEDURE = "cmdMerge_Click" ' check required fields On Error GoTo ErrHandler If Nz(Me.lstDataSource, "") = "" Or _ Me.lstDataSource = "<<<TABLES>>>" Or _ Me.lstDataSource = "<<<QUERIES>>>" Then MsgBox "You must select the table or query " & vbCrLf & _ "to act as the data source for the mailmerge", vbInformation, _ "No Data Source" Else If Nz(Me.lstEmailField, "") = "" Then MsgBox "You must select the name of field containing " & vbCrLf & _ "the email address", vbInformation, "No Field Selected" Else If Nz(Me.txtMergeDoc, "") = "" Then MsgBox "You must select the Microsoft Word document " & vbCrLf & _ "you want to merge to", vbInformation, "No Merge Document" Else If Dir(Me.txtMergeDoc, vbNormal) = "" Then MsgBox "The Microsoft Word document cannot" & vbCrLf & _ "be found in this location.", vbInformation, _ "File Note Found" Else If Nz(Me.txtEmailSubject, "") = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter the Subject line of your email", _ vbInformation, "No Subject" Else ' perform mailmerge and email merged records ' as attachments If PerformMailMerge() = True Then If mstrNotSent <> "" Then MsgBox "Your mailmerge was NOT successful." & _ vbCrLf & "The following emails received an error:" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & mstrNotSent, vbExclamation, _ "Error Sending Emails" Else If mstrEmailInvalid <> "" Then MsgBox "Your mailmerge is completed and has been " & _ vbCrLf & "emailed, with the exception of the " & _ "following recipients:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ mstrEmailInvalid & vbCrLf & "Please check that " & _ "these email addresses are valid.", vbInformation, _ "Mailmerge Complete with Exceptions" Else MsgBox "Your mailmerge is completed and has been " & _ vbCrLf & "emailed to all recipients", vbInformation, _ "Mailmerge Complete" End If End If Else MsgBox "Your mailmerge was NOT successful." & _ vbCrLf & "Please check the Send Items in Outlook" & _ vbCrLf & "to check which emails have been sent.", _ vbExclamation, "Mailmerge NOT Completed" End If End If End If End If End If End If ExitHere: DoCmd.Hourglass False Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Unexpected Error in " & mcn_strMODULE & "." & cn_strPROCEDURE Resume ExitHere End Sub Private Sub cmdOpenDoc_Click() Me.txtMergeDoc = GetOpenFile(GetDefaultPath(), "Select Word document for mail merge") End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Capture a list of all tables and queries (except system) ' from the database ' Restrictions: Requires reference to DAO object library '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dim db As DAO.Database Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Const cn_strPROCEDURE = "Form_Load" ' create a divider between Tables and Queries in the list On Error GoTo ErrHandler Me.lstDataSource.RowSource = "<<<TABLES>>>;" Set db = CurrentDb ' add all tables (excluding system tables) to the list For Each tdf In db.TableDefs If LCase(Left(tdf.Name, 4)) <> "msys" Then Me.lstDataSource.RowSource = Me.lstDataSource.RowSource & tdf.Name & ";" End If Next tdf ' create a divider between Tables and Queries in the list Me.lstDataSource.RowSource = Me.lstDataSource.RowSource & "<<<QUERIES>>>;" ' add all tables (excluding system tables) to the list For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs If Left(qdf.Name, 1) <> "~" Then Me.lstDataSource.RowSource = Me.lstDataSource.RowSource & qdf.Name & ";" End If Next qdf ExitHere: On Error Resume Next qdf.Close db.Close Set tdf = Nothing Set qdf = Nothing Set db = Nothing Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Unexpected Error in " & mcn_strMODULE & "." & cn_strPROCEDURE Resume ExitHere End Sub Private Sub cmdClose_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdClose_Click DoCmd.Close Exit_cmdClose_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdClose_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdClose_Click End Sub Private Sub lstDataSource_Click() '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Capture a list of all fields in the selected table/query ' Restrictions: Requires reference to DAO object library '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dim db As DAO.Database Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim fld As DAO.Field Const cn_strPROCEDURE = "lstDataSource_Click" Me.lstEmailField.RowSource = "" ' must have a table or query selected On Error GoTo ErrHandler Select Case Nz(Me.lstDataSource, "") Case "", "<<<TABLES>>>", "<<<QUERIES>>>" Case Else ' capture field names Set db = CurrentDb On Error Resume Next Set tdf = db.TableDefs(Me.lstDataSource) If Err.Number = 0 Then On Error GoTo ErrHandler For Each fld In tdf.Fields Me.lstEmailField.RowSource = Me.lstEmailField.RowSource & fld.Name & ";" Next fld Else On Error GoTo ErrHandler Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(Me.lstDataSource) For Each fld In qdf.Fields Me.lstEmailField.RowSource = Me.lstEmailField.RowSource & fld.Name & ";" Next fld End If End Select ExitHere: On Error Resume Next qdf.Close db.Close Set fld = Nothing Set tdf = Nothing Set qdf = Nothing Set db = Nothing Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Unexpected Error in " & mcn_strMODULE & "." & cn_strPROCEDURE Resume ExitHere End Sub Function PerformMailMerge() As Boolean '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Merge individual letter to Word ' Restrictions: Requires reference to MS Word Object Library '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dim objWord As Word.Application Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rec As DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strMergeDoc As String Const cn_strPROCEDURE = "PerformMailMerge" ' as merged documents are to be emailed, select all records ' from nominated table/query where the email address field ' is not blank DoCmd.Hourglass True On Error GoTo ErrHandler strSQL = "SELECT * " & _ "FROM [" & Me.lstDataSource & "] " & _ "WHERE [" & Me.lstEmailField & "] Is Not Null" Set db = CurrentDb Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot) strMergeDoc = Me.txtMergeDoc If Not rec.EOF Then Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") With objWord .Documents.Open strMergeDoc With .ActiveDocument.MailMerge ' create link to data source .OpenDataSource Name:=db.Name, LinkToSource:=True, _ Connection:="TABLE " & Me.lstDataSource, SQLStatement:= _ strSQL .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument .SuppressBlankLines = True Do Until rec.EOF With .DataSource ' merge one at a time in order to email separate ' attachments .QueryString = strSQL & " AND [" & Me.lstEmailField & "] =" & _ Chr(34) & rec(Me.lstEmailField) & Chr(34) .FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord .LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord End With .Execute Pause:=True ' email the merged document SendMergeEmail objWord, strMergeDoc, rec(Me.lstEmailField) objWord.Windows(strMergeDoc).Activate rec.MoveNext Loop End With .Windows(strMergeDoc).Activate .ActiveDocument.Close False .Quit End With End If PerformMailMerge = True ExitHere: On Error Resume Next rec.Close db.Close Set rec = Nothing Set db = Nothing Set objWord = Nothing Exit Function ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Unexpected Error in " & mcn_strMODULE & "." & cn_strPROCEDURE Resume ExitHere End Function Sub SendMergeEmail(objWord As Word.Application, strMergeDoc As String, _ strTo As String) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Send current document as email attachment ' Outputs: Updates module-level variable mstrNotSent with the ' email address of all messages that failed ' Restrictions: Requires reference to MS Word Object Library '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dim objOL As Outlook.Application Dim objML As Outlook.MailItem Dim strPath As String Const cn_strPROCEDURE = "SendMergeEmail" On Error GoTo ErrHandler strMergeDoc = Mid(strMergeDoc, InStrRev(strMergeDoc, "\") + 1) ' remove all links to the database and save as a temporary file With objWord .DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone .ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdNotAMergeDocument .ActiveDocument.SaveAs GetDefaultPath() & "t" & strMergeDoc .DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll .ActiveDocument.Close End With On Error Resume Next Set objOL = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") End If On Error GoTo ErrHandler Set objML = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objML .To = strTo ' only process if email address is valid If .Recipients.ResolveAll = True Then .Subject = Me.txtEmailSubject .Attachments.Add GetDefaultPath() & "t" & strMergeDoc .ReadReceiptRequested = Me.chkReadReceipt .OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested = Me.chkDeliveryReceipt Select Case Me.cboImportance Case 1: .Importance = olImportanceHigh Case 2: .Importance = olImportanceNormal Case 3: .Importance = olImportanceLow End Select If Me.chkDisplay = True Then .Display Else .Send End If Else ' discard the email and note the unsuccessful address mstrEmailInvalid = mstrEmailInvalid & vbTab & strTo & vbCrLf .Close (olDiscard) End If End With ' delete temporary file On Error Resume Next Kill GetDefaultPath() & "t" & strMergeDoc ExitHere: On Error Resume Next Set objML = Nothing Set objOL = Nothing Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Unexpected Error in " & mcn_strMODULE & "." & cn_strPROCEDURE mstrNotSent = mstrNotSent & vbTab & strTo & vbCrLf Resume ExitHere End Sub Function GetDefaultPath() As String '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Purpose: Capture the database path '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GetDefaultPath = Left(CurrentDb.Name, InStrRev(CurrentDb.Name, "\")) End Function

How to use:

  1. Open your database
  2. Select File | Get External Data | Import
  3. Go to the Forms tab
  4. Click on "frm_MergeToOutlook"
  5. Go to the Modules tab
  6. Click on "mod_OpenFileDialog"
  7. Select OK
  8. Go to the Modules tab
  9. Click on "mod_OpenFileDialog"
  10. Select Design
  11. Select Tools | References
  12. Add a reference to "Microsoft Word Object Library" (select your current version)
  13. Add a reference to "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library"
  14. Add a reference to "Microsoft Outlook Object Library" (select your current version)
  15. Select File | Close and return to Microsoft Access

Test the code:

  1. Open the form "frm_MergeToOutlook"
  2. Check that all the tables and queries in your database are listed down the left
  3. Click on the table or query you want to use for your mailmerge (for testing purposes it's best to use a table or query that does not contain a lot of records)
  4. Check that all the fields in that table or query are listed on the right
  5. Click on the field that contains the email address
  6. Click on "Select Merge Document"
  7. Navigate to a Word document that you want to send to all the nominated people, then select OK
  8. Type the Email Subject Line
  9. Select the mail options you would like (for testing purposes, make sure "Display Email prior to sending" is selected)
  10. Select Run Merge

Sample File: 76.71KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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