
Extract and Transfer Paragraphs

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Searches a Word doc for 1 or 2 words in an identified range size. If word(s) found, the specified range size is transferred from a source Word document to a transfer Word document. Note: Paragraphs are 1 line only. 


I use this code to retrieve specific records from a mixed record Word document. Mixed receipt records are generated by XL (in 1 paragraph per line format) and saved into a Word document. From XL, this "source file" document is then searched for specific records which are gathered together and saved to the "transfer file". This produces a new document containing only the receipt records of interest. With some adaptation, the code can be used to accomodate the retrieval of cash or accrual records for varied year end business dates. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Public Function Searchwords(TotParas As Integer, MyTopic2$, Mytopic1$, _ Sourcefile As String, Transferfile As String) As Boolean 'Extract and transfer range between Word docs. Standard module code 'Searches Sourcefile for 1 or 2 words in a range defined by... 'Mytopic1(1st paragraph of range)to Totparas(total # of paras/lines in range) '(use 1 for Mytopic2 if only one word search required within range) 'copies found range(s) to Transferfile 'uses file copies to prevent/correct open file errors '** paragraphs are 1 line only 'TotParas= # of paragraphs/lines in range to be transferred 'MyTopic2$= 2nd word to be found located anywhere within range. 'Mytopic1$= 1st word to be found. **Must be in 1st paragraph of range 'Sourcefile= Doc file being searched 'Transferfile= Doc file that range is being transferred to 'Boolean result indicates success/failure of transfer Dim Wapp As Object, Bigstring As String Dim Mydata$, Temp As String, PagFlag As Boolean Dim Myrange As Variant, Myrange2 As Variant, Adjust As Integer Dim ThisParaLoc As Integer, LastParaLoc As Integer, FirstParaloc As Integer Searchwords = True 'copy scource file to temp file & error check If NoFileError(Sourcefile) Then Exit Function End If On Error GoTo RetErr 'Open source temp file and search Set Wapp = CreateObject("Word.Application") Temp = Left(Sourcefile, Len(Sourcefile) - 4) & "T.doc" Wapp.documents.Open Filename:=Temp, ReadOnly:=True ThisParaLoc = 0 'found paragraph line# Bigstring = vbNullString 'combines paragraphs 'turn on pagination PagFlag = False If Wapp.Options.Pagination = False Then Wapp.Options.Pagination = True PagFlag = True End If 'find last paragraph Wapp.activedocument.Select LastParaLoc = Wapp.Selection.paragraphs.Count 'last paragraph(line#) 'Find keyword(MyTopic1) in the source WORD document 'loop to find all keywords in doc. On Error GoTo RetErr2 Do While ThisParaLoc < LastParaLoc Set Myrange2 = Wapp.activedocument.paragraphs(ThisParaLoc + 1).Range Myrange2.SetRange Start:=Myrange2.Start, _ End:=Wapp.activedocument.paragraphs(LastParaLoc).Range.End Myrange2.Select With Wapp.Selection.Find .Text = Mytopic1 .Forward = True .Execute If .found = True Then On Error GoTo RetErr3 'if > 1 page If Wapp.Selection.Information(3) > 1 Then Adjust = Wapp.Selection.Information(3) * 46 - 46 End If 'expand keyword selection to whole paragraph(line) selection .Parent.Expand Unit:=4 'expange range to include total # of paragraphs/lines FirstParaloc = Wapp.Selection.Information(10) + Adjust Set Myrange = Wapp.activedocument.paragraphs(FirstParaloc).Range Myrange.SetRange Start:=Myrange.Start, _ End:=Wapp.activedocument.paragraphs(FirstParaloc + _ (TotParas - 1)).Range.End ThisParaLoc = FirstParaloc + (TotParas - 1) Myrange.Select 'find 2nd keyword If MyTopic2 <> "1" Then Myrange.Select With Wapp.Selection.Find .Text = MyTopic2 .Forward = True .Execute End With If .found = True Then Myrange.Select Mydata = Wapp.Selection.Text Else GoTo Below 'Mytopic2 not found End If End If 'found paragraph range converted to string Mydata = Wapp.Selection.Text Else Exit Do 'Mytopic1 not found End If End With 'store found paragraph range with other found ranges Bigstring = Bigstring + Mydata Below: Loop On Error GoTo RetErr4 'transfer file to temp file & error check NoFileError (Transferfile) 'temp transfer file to real transfer file (errorcheck/correct) BackToReal Transferfile, False 'transfer from bigstring to transfer file Wapp.documents.Open Filename:=Transferfile, ReadOnly:=False Wapp.activedocument.Select With Wapp.activedocument .Range(0, .Characters.Count).Delete .content.insertafter Bigstring End With Wapp.activedocument.Close savechanges:=True 'reset pagination to start setting If PagFlag Then Wapp.Options.Pagination = False End If Wapp.Quit Set Wapp = Nothing 'temp source file to real file BackToReal Sourcefile, True Exit Function 'handle errors RetErr: On Error GoTo 0: MsgBox "Source Doc Error": Kill Temp: GoTo Erbelow RetErr2: On Error GoTo 0: MsgBox "Search Error": Kill Temp: GoTo Erbelow RetErr3: On Error GoTo 0: MsgBox "Range Creation Error": Kill Temp: GoTo Erbelow RetErr4: On Error GoTo 0: MsgBox "Transfer Doc Error": Kill Temp: Kill _ Left(Transferfile, Len(Transferfile) - 4) & "T.doc" Erbelow: Searchwords = False 'reset pagination to start setting If PagFlag Then Wapp.Options.Pagination = False End If Wapp.Quit Set Wapp = Nothing End Function Function NoFileError(Flpath As String) As Boolean 'check if file exists. Copy to temp file from real file Dim fs As Object, TemP3 As String Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fs.fileexists(Flpath) Then TemP3 = Left(Flpath, Len(Flpath) - 4) & "T.doc" fs.copyfile Flpath, TemP3 NoFileError = False Else On Error GoTo 0 MsgBox "Error: This file does not exist: " & Flpath NoFileError = True End If Set fs = Nothing End Function Function BackToReal(Retpath As String, FlScource As Boolean) 'if real source file open continue (leave source file open) 'if real transfer file open, close it and continue 'copy temp file back to real file & kill temp file Dim fs As Object, Objwordapp As Object, d As Variant, TemP2 As String TemP2 = Left(Retpath, Len(Retpath) - 4) & "T.doc" Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error GoTo Errcode fs.copyfile TemP2, Retpath Set fs = Nothing Kill TemP2 Exit Function Errcode: On Error GoTo 0 If FlScource Then MsgBox "Transfer proceeding. This source file remains open: " & Retpath Else MsgBox "Close all Word Docs. Transfer proceeding. This transfer file was open: " & Retpath Set Objwordapp = GetObject(, "word.application") With Objwordapp .Application.Quit End With Set Objwordapp = Nothing fs.copyfile TemP2, Retpath End If Set fs = Nothing Kill TemP2 End Function Sub Callfunction() Dim TParas As Integer, MyTop1 As String, Mytop2 As String Dim Sfile As String, Tfile As String Sfile = "c:\vbaxtest.doc" 'search document path Tfile = "c:\test.doc" 'search results document path 'other search words as Mytop1 eg's: Assert,spraysup,CustAPL,RndUp MyTop1 = "seed" ' 1st search word ie. start of transfer range 'other search eg. trial "bart" as Mytop2 with "seed" as mytop1 Mytop2 = "1" ' 2nd search word. Set to "1" if only 1 word search TParas = 5 '# of paras to extract (includes blank para following range) If Searchwords(TParas, Mytop2, MyTop1, Sfile, Tfile) Then MsgBox "Transfer complete" Else MsgBox "Transfer not successful" End If End Sub

How to use:

  1. Place the "Searchwords" , "NoFileError" and "BackToReal" functions in an XL module code.
  2. The "Callfunction" code (at bottom) can be placed anywhere and does not need to be a seperate sub.
  3. Place the attached source file (VBAXTest.doc) unzipped on the "C" drive.
  4. Add a "Test.doc" Word document transfer file to the "C" drive.

Test the code:

  1. To test, call the Callfunction sub (ie. Call Callfunction). See comments in Callfunction sub for testing options. View the "C\Test.doc" transfer file for ranges transferred from the "C\VBAXTest.doc" source file.

Sample File:

VBAXtest.zip 6.21KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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