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Function to return whole years, months, and days between two dates

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Version tested with

2000, 2002 

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This function may be used in any VBA or VB project (as well as Excel worksheet formulas or Access forms, queries, and reports) to return an "aging" string of full years, months, and days elapsed between two dates 


Sometimes, people like to express the elapsed time between two dates interms of full years, months, and days. This is most often the case with ages, especially in terms of records for the youngest or oldest person to have accomplished a particular feat. This function returns a string with the elapsed time between two dates in such terms. This function is an alternative to the VB/VBA function DateDiff, which does not measure full months or full years, and to the not-well-known Excel function DATEDIF, which usually works well, but can give unexpected results near a month end. For example, the formula: =DATEDIF("31 Jan 2006","1 Mar 2006","y") & " years, " & DATEDIF("31 Jan 2006","1 Mar 2006","ym") & " months, " & DATEDIF("31 Jan 2006","1 Mar 2006","md") & " days" returns: 0 years, 1 months, -2 days This function with equivalent settings returns: 0 years, 1 months, 1 days 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Function YearsMonthsDays(Date1 As Date, Date2 As Date, Optional ShowAll As _ Boolean = False, Optional Grammar As Boolean = True) ' This function returns a string "X years, Y months, Z days" showing the time ' between two dates. This function may be used in any VBA or VB project ' Date1 and Date2 must either be dates, or strings that can be implicitly ' converted to dates. If these arguments have time portions, the time portions ' are ignored. If Date1 > Date2 (after ignoring time portions), the function ' returns an empty string ' ShowAll indicates whether all portions of the string "X years, Y months, Z days" ' are included in the output. If ShowAll = True, all portions of the string are ' always included. If ShowAll = False, then if the year portion is zero the year ' part of the string is omitted, and if the year portion and month portion are both ' zero, than both year and month portions are omitted. The day portion is always ' included, and if at least one year has passed then the month portion is always ' included ' Grammar indicates whether to test years/months/days for singular or plural ' By definition, a "full month" means that the day number in Date2 is >= the day ' number in Date1, or Date1 and Date2 occur on the last days of their respective ' months. A "full year" means that 12 "full months" have passed. ' In Excel, this function is an alternative to the little-known DATEDIF. DATEDIF ' usually works well, but can create strange results when a date is at month end. ' Thus, this formula: ' =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(A1,B1,"ym") & " months, " & ' DATEDIF(A1,B1,"md") & " days" ' will return "0 years, 1 months, -2 days" for 31-Jan-2006 and 1-Mar-2006. ' This function will return "0 years, 1 month, 1 day" ' Chip Pearson gives a VBA equivalent in his Age() function at ' ' Unfortunately, it gives the same result in the test case above Dim TestYear As Long, TestMonth As Long, TestDay As Long Dim TargetDate As Date, Last1 As Date, Last2 As Date ' Strip time portions Date1 = Int(Date1) Date2 = Int(Date2) ' Test for invalid dates If Date1 > Date2 Then YearsMonthsDays = "" Exit Function End If ' Test for whether the calendar year is the same If Year(Date2) > Year(Date1) Then ' Different calendar year. ' Test to see if calendar month is the same. If it is, we have to look at the ' day to see if a full year has passed If Month(Date2) = Month(Date1) Then If Day(Date2) >= Day(Date1) Then TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) Else TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) - 1 End If ' In this case, a full year has definitely passed ElseIf Month(Date2) > Month(Date1) Then TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) ' A full year has not passed Else TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) - 1 End If ' Calendar year is the same, so a full year has not passed Else TestYear = 0 End If ' Test to see how many full months have passed, in excess of the number of full ' years TestMonth = (DateDiff("m", DateSerial(Year(Date1), Month(Date1), 1), _ DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2), 1)) + IIf(Day(Date2) >= _ Day(Date1), 0, -1)) Mod 12 ' See how many days have passed, in excess of the number of full months. If the day ' number for Date2 is >= that for Date1, it's simple If Day(Date2) >= Day(Date1) Then TestDay = Day(Date2) - Day(Date1) ' If not, we have to test for end of the month Else Last1 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2), 0) Last2 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) + 1, 0) TargetDate = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) - 1, Day(Date1)) If Last2 = Date2 Then If TestMonth = 11 Then TestMonth = 0 TestYear = TestYear + 1 Else TestMonth = TestMonth + 1 End If Else TestDay = DateDiff("d", IIf(TargetDate > Last1, Last1, TargetDate), Date2) End If End If If ShowAll Or TestYear >= 1 Then YearsMonthsDays = TestYear & IIf(TestYear = 1 And Grammar, " year, ", _ " years, ") & TestMonth & IIf(TestMonth = 1 And Grammar, " month, ", _ " months, ") & TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days") Else If TestMonth >= 1 Then YearsMonthsDays = TestMonth & IIf(TestMonth = 1 And Grammar, " month, ", _ " months, ") & TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days") Else YearsMonthsDays = TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days") End If End If End Function

How to use:

  1. From a Microsoft Office application, go to the Visual Basic Editor by hitting Alt+F11
  2. Insert a new regular module in your VBProject
  3. Copy the code above, and paste it into the module
  4. Use the function in other VB/VBA code, in Excel worksheet formulas, or in Access queries, reports, or forms

Test the code:

  1. Download the attached workbook
  2. Change the various input cells to see how changing the argument values impacts the function's final results

Sample File: 11.9KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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