
Setup & Print All Sheets In A Workbook

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

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This routine is most useful if you have a workbook with worksheets consisting of one page each. Sets up each page to print including the used range on each sheet and prints them. Adds sheet X of X Sheets to footer. No hidden sheets or blank sheets are included in the count or the print job 


Allow you to configure the headers and footers in all sheets in the workbook at one time. This is only set to intermediate because there is a lot of configuration possible in the code. I have a workbook where each sheet is basically a page and this allows me to add or move pages and then print the entire workbook without having to deal with the details more than one time....just fix it to suit in the code and it's ready to go. The macro is currently set to just preview each sheet instead of printing them but the directions are in the code to change it to print each sheet. 


instructions for use


Put everything below this line In a standard code module: Option Explicit Sub PrintAllSheets() ' Dim M As Long, N As Long, Firstsht As Long, Lastsht As Long, Sheet As Object ' Lastsht = Sheets.Count M = 0: N = Lastsht ' For Each Sheet In Sheets If Not Sheet.Visible Then N = N - 1 If Sheet.Visible And Sheet.Type = xlWorksheet Then If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet.UsedRange) = 0 Then N = N - 1 End If End If Next ' For Firstsht = 1 To Lastsht ' If Sheets(Firstsht).Visible = True Then ' If Not TypeName(Sheets(Firstsht)) = "Chart" Then If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(Firstsht).UsedRange) <> 0 Then M = M + 1 GoSub DoPrint End If Else 'else it's a chart M = M + 1 GoSub DoPrint End If ' End If ' Next 'Firstsht Exit Sub DoPrint: With Sheets(Firstsht).PageSetup .CenterHeader = "&F!&A" .CenterFooter = "Page " & CStr(M) & " of " & N .RightFooter = "?" & CStr(Year(Date)) .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With With Application .EnableEvents = False Sheets(Firstsht).PrintPreview '.PrintOut .EnableEvents = True End With Return End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor by going to tools-Macro's-Visual Basic Editor or use Alt-F11
  2. On the toolbar of the Visual Basic Editor, go to insert - module
  3. In the module pane paste the code above.
  4. Close the Visual Basic Editor by clicking the X in the upper right corner or go to File-Close
  5. Configure to suit your needs and then run it. It will start with the first worksheet in the workbook and print all sheets in the order they are in.

Test the code:

  1. On the main menu go to tools-macro-macros.
  2. In the dialog window select PrintBook and then click run.

Sample File:

PrintAllSheets.zip 16.24KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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