
Add extract of files in a folder with hyperlink to same

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The code will create an index of files in a folder, using the file name as a hyperlink header followed by a selected number of the first few paragraphs 


A set of published documents may not be easily identifiable from the file name alone. This code creates a usable index based on the first few paragraphs of each document. The source folder can be hard coded or accessed by browser as shown in the example. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub GetList() Dim MyDoc As Document Dim Source As Document Dim MyFile As String Dim Location As String Dim Extract As String Dim txt As String Dim txtBlock As Range Dim x As Long 'Set number of paragraphs to be returned. Const ListParas = 5 Set MyDoc = ActiveDocument 'Clear previous data MyDoc.Range.Delete 'Browse for or set location 'Location = BrowseForFolder & "\" Location = "C:\Source\Minor\" 'Set tabs etc. for imported data With Selection.ParagraphFormat .LeftIndent = CentimetersToPoints(2#) .FirstLineIndent = CentimetersToPoints(-2#) .TabStops.Add Position:=CentimetersToPoints(1#), _ Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft .TabStops.Add Position:=CentimetersToPoints(2#), _ Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft End With 'Set location ChangeFileOpenDirectory Location MyFile = Dir(Location & "*.DOC") If MyFile = "" Then Exit Sub With MyDoc 'Insert path as header .Range.InsertAfter Location & vbCr & vbCr .Paragraphs(1).Range.Bold = True Do If MyFile <> MyDoc.Name Then 'Open file and get text from selected number of paragraphs Set Source = Documents.Open(FileName:=MyFile, Visible:=False) Extract = Source.Range(Source.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, _ Source.Paragraphs(ListParas).Range.End).Text Source.Close 'Add filename as hyperlink at end of document MyDoc.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=MyDoc.Bookmarks("\EndOfDoc").Range, _ Address:=Location & MyFile, TextToDisplay:=CStr(MyFile) 'Add Extract with breaks at end of document txt = vbCr & Extract & vbCr .Range.InsertAfter txt 'Format block to keep together x = .Paragraphs.Count Set txtBlock = .Range(.Paragraphs(x - (ListParas + 2)).Range.Start, _ .Paragraphs(x - 2).Range.End) txtBlock.ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True End If 'Get next file MyFile = Dir Loop Until MyFile = "" End With End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy and paste the code into a standard module of a new document.
  2. Change Location to the Browse option or set your own location
  3. Set ListParas to the number of paragraphs you wish to copy.
  4. Save your changes
  5. Close the Visual Basic Editor and run the code

Test the code:

  1. Copy the attached sample to the C drive
  2. Open GetList.doc.
  3. Press Alt + F8 and run GetList macro

Sample File:

Source.zip 74.25KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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