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Client Testimonial

"I started learning VBA a few years ago. Like most of us, driven by the determination to make my tedious office administrator job automated; but I never thought this would become my profession and my passion. I ordered myself a book from amazon and dag right into it just to realize that VBA coding was a little more complicated than I previously imagined.

With the years, I learned more and more about VBA. I posted countless questions in the forum; and it quickly became my favorite. The high level of professionalism and the dedication of the members have made a high impact on me. Thanks to the site I became more and more interested in the macro world and eventually I made it my profession. So I applied for a job. I wanted to have something tangible to show in my job resume so I decided to take the training from VBA Express driven by the confidence the site has provided me along the years; and I was not disappointed. The training content is extremely easy to read and understand. It’s divided into units with tons of examples and pictures. The contents are solid enough to build knowledge but at the same time easy for the beginners to gasp the concepts. This was extremely important for me since English is not my first language. I wished I had something like this when I first started studying macros; it could have saved me countless headaches and frustration. For years I looked for a “textbook-like” VBA book to reaffirm and test my knowledge; the VBA express team managed to incorporate that into their program where after learning a section there are exercises at the end to help you fix the knowledge.

I highly recommend the Training with the site. It will make the learning experience easier and faster. In no time after doing the training you will be writing code in no time.

