This is the final version of the code I used in the spreadsheet.

Sub CopyWorksheetsToWord()
' requires a reference to the Word Object library:
' in the VBE select Tools, References and check the Microsoft Word X.X object library
Dim wdApp As Word.Application, wdDoc As Word.Document, ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Opening Word Document..."
Set wdApp = New Word.Application
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\Dominguc\My Documents\")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Application.StatusBar = "Copying data from " & ws.Name & "..."
ws.UsedRange.Copy ' or edit to the range you want to copy
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next ws
Set ws = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = "Cleaning up..."
Set wdDoc = Nothing
wdApp.Visible = True
Set wdApp = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub